Wednesday, October 30, 2019

A View on Middle Eastern Exceptionalism Research Paper

A View on Middle Eastern Exceptionalism - Research Paper Example The Middle East is only as unique as outside elements may see it be. Now, in discovering if the Middle East would be the exception amidst developing countries would take the close examination. There are many methods of determination in this aspect of the question. First, we must examine from the viewpoint of agreement in the fact that Egypt is an exception amongst its peers and once that is done, we must examine the viewpoint of its equally powerful neighbors in Turkey and other countries in the Middle East, including Egypt. In providing reasoning behind this consideration, it is best to have several resources to allow the capacity of comparativeness in pros and cons for the viewpoint of Exceptionalism in the Middle Eastern culture. Amidst due consideration of the points delivered in the viewpoints of the various authors of the resources consulted, it has become apparent that Egypt would hardly consist of an exception amidst the rest of the Middle Eastern countries. Despite Mr. Bromley's best efforts, he fails to prove that the Middle East is an exception and that Egypt would be any different than any other part of the Middle East. In his own words, Mr. ... First, we must examine from the viewpoint of agreement in the fact that Egypt is an exception amongst its peers and once that is done, we must examine the viewpoint of its equally powerful neighbors in Turkey and other countries in the Middle East, including Egypt. In providing reasoning behind this consideration, it is best to have several resources to allow the capacity of comparativeness in pros and cons for the viewpoint of Exceptionalism in the Middle Eastern culture. Amidst due consideration of the points delivered in the viewpoints of the various authors of the resources consulted, it has become apparent that Egypt would hardly consist of an exception amidst the rest of the Middle Eastern countries. Despite Mr. Bromley's best efforts, he fails to prove that the Middle East is an exception and that Egypt would be any different than any other part of the Middle East. In his own words, Mr. Bromley says in his treatise titled Middle Eastern Exceptionalism, "Despite these differences, there is a general consensus that the Middle East has witnessed limited democratization and contains few, if any, liberal democracies and that this differentiates it from much of the rest of the developing world."1 Mr. Bromley's view of exceptionalism and its manifestation as a result of democratization continues to expound through this chapter, but again, he hides the truth in his own words. "Other observers, noting the continued restrictions placed on party formation, the role of the military in national politics (including the emergency rule in the Kurdish south-east of the country), the outstanding issue of the place of Islam in the state and long-standing economic problems, are less confident."Â   Â  

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Maintenance of Stereotypes Essay Example for Free

The Maintenance of Stereotypes Essay Although the nature of stereotypes are not essentially negative it has been found that stereotypes of out-group members are more likely to be negative than those of in-group members (Castelli et al. 2005; Perdue, Dovidio, Gurtman Tyler, 1990). Despite this fact, engaging in stereotyping still occurs. In order to adequately understand why we continue to use stereotypes, when we know of the negativity that can be attached to them, several areas need to be considered. Firstly, in the context of this essay stereotypes need to be defined. Lippman (1922) can be credited for having coined the term as being a set of socially shared representations and beliefs about the characteristics, features and behaviours of members of a group (Lyons Kashima, 2001). The Social Identity Theory also seeks to define stereotypes (Brown, 2000). Secondly, there are various mechanisms which occur that support the ongoing use and maintenance of stereotypes. In relation to this is priming, which has been found to be an active influence (Rudman Borgida, 1995; Lepore Brown, 1997; Blair Banaji, 1996). More recent research illustrates that stereotyping emerges as a way of simplifying the demands on an individual, a type of cognitive shortcut (Macrae et al. , 1994; Clark Kashima, 2007). Furthermore, stereotypes can be seen as a function of social connectivity and are thus maintained through communication (Lyons Kashima, 2006; Lyons and Kashima, 2003; Karasawa, Asai Tanabe, 2007). This essay will attempt to look at the most recent research in the past two decades and investigate the various methods that have been found to support the preservation of stereotypes. One of the key points with Social Identity Theory is that in the very act of categorisation, regardless of group contact, in-group preference is produced (Brown, 2000). This then defines a differentiation from out-group members (2000). This group differentiation can lead to the formation of stereotypes. Individuals seek also to perceive themselves in as optimistic light as possible, in an attempt to establish a positive distinctiveness between the self and other in-group members and between the in-group in comparison with the out-group. This is known as the self-esteem hypothesis (2000). From understanding how stereotypes are formed through the social identity theory, we can see how they are maintained. As found by Perdue, Dovidio, Gurtman, Tyler (1990), priming plays an intricate role in influencing the opinions and judgments of individuals on out-group members. A study conducted by Rudman Borgida (1995) primed male subjects to sexist female stereotypes through a television commercial in which women were portrayed as sexual objects. It was found that the primed males were more likely to engender women in a sexual fashion, paying more attention to her appearance than to what she was saying. They also responded faster to sexist words pertaining to women (babe and bimbo) than to non-sexist (mother and nurture). In this way, language plays a role in unconsciously priming people to stereotypes. It helps create an in-group versus out-group bias (1990). Impressions of people are also moulded by the names and labels which are applied to them (1990). As found by Perdue et al. (1990) ‘we’, ’us’, ‘ours’ are collective pro-nouns and are thus powerful priming influences in social cognition and perception, subtly characterising evaluative responses towards others and upholding the maintenance of stereotypes. However, in a study carried out by Blair and Banaji (1996) it was found that, although priming in stereotypes is automatically activated, an individual can control and even eliminate the automatic response, such as in gender stereotyping. In fact, it is also the individual’s intentions and cognitive resources that determine the extent to which an individual avoids the influence of such automatic processes. For example, in their study (1996) participants were asked to judge whether a name was male or female, when primed with a gender paired word, such as caring, sensitive, weak (for females) strong, arrogant or decisive (for males) or a neutral word like autumn, jelly, sleep. When sufficient cognitive resources were available and the participants intended to process counter-stereotypic information (the gender neutral words) there was a complete reversal of stereotype priming (1996). So although priming is a powerful method in maintaining stereotypes it does not fully account for the continuation of stereotyping in the face of its negativity. As reported by Bodenhausen (1990) instead of processing incoming or new information, stereotypes rely on previously stored knowledge and as a result information processing becomes easier. Thus the maintenance of stereotypes could be partially due to a type of cognitive laziness. Instead of flexing the grey matter muscle and using cognitive energy to process the new information, people effectively ‘rest on their laurels’, without motivation to change them they are reinforced to continue using stereotypes (Blair Banaji, 1996). However, as Macrae, Milne Bodenhausen (1994) established, stereotyping can also occur as a way to free up resources which can then be used in other tasks. Either way stereotypes are a type of judgmental heuristic, a short cut we take when demands are high and resources low. For example, it was found that morning people, whose peak function was early on in the day, fell back on stereotypic responses in the afternoon and for afternoon people, whose peak function was later on in the day, it was the reverse (1990). In this case, the amount of cognitive energy was the motivation to either reject or maintain a stereotype. In terms of the continuation of stereotypes, the motivation to reject them and process new information is thus a strong mechanism. It appears from the research (Clark Kashima, 2007; Lyons and Kashima, 2003; Lyons and Kashima, 2006; Lyons and Kashima, 2001) that stereotype-consistent information is more likely to be communicated than stereotype-inconsistent information, called the stereotype consistency bias. To test this, Lyons and Kashima (2001) investigated communication through a chain of people. The experiment involved one participant reading a story with stereotype-consistent and inconsistent information relevant to the stereotypes of footballers then reproducing it from memory to another person. The second person then read it to a third, and the third to a forth and so on and so forth (2001). As the story was communicated down the chain it became devoid of all stereotype-inconsistent information, effectively illustrating how communication is key in maintaining stereotypes. Clark and Kashima (2007) also found that the stereotype consistency bias would occur due to the social connectivity function found in stereotypes. In other words; when a stereotype was perceived as being socially shared it was more likely to be used. Thus, the social connectivity aspect of communication is a strong mechanism in the continuation of them. Subtyping occurs when any information from an individual, that undermines a group’s stereotype, is functionally placed outside of the group and thus not calculated when forming a stereotype (Park, Wolsko Judd, 2001). This leaves the overall stereotype unchanged even though aspects of it have been disproved. Kunda and Oleson (2001) have also found that members of one group do not generalize the neutral information of an individual in the out-group to members of that same group. In other words, it is the negative aspects of out-group members that are projected, while the neutral as well as the positive features are ignored. Subtyping provides us with another mechanism in the maintenance of stereotypes, as we can see through this model that stereotypes are able to effectively shed aspects which are proven to be inaccurate whilst still maintaining the overall stereotypical view. Stereotypes are a persistent and persuasive method of social categorisation. Socially we are primed towards engaging in stereotypes (Perdue, Dovidio, Gurtman, Tyler, 1990). In terms of communication we use stereotypes when we perceive that the people we are communicating with hold the same stereotypes and so stereotypes become a type of social lubrication, assisting communication (Karasawa, Asai, Tanabe, 2007). In this way, communication is also a motivation to not reject the stereotype and process new information. However, if we consciously allocated more cognitive resources we would reject the stereotype and process new information (Macrae, Milne Bodenhausen, 1994). Although the mechanisms that underlie the maintenance of stereotypes are intricate and complex, if the puzzle of these mechanisms were to be explained then, although we know that we should avoid stereotypes, we would understand how to. Blair, V. I. , Banaji, M. (1996). Automatic and controlled processors in stereotype priming. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 70, 1142-1163. Bodenhausen, G.V. (1990). Stereotypes as judgmental heuristics: Evidence of circadian variations in discrimination. Psychological Science, 1, 319-322. Brown, R. (2000) Social identity theory: Past problems, current achievements and future challenges. European Journal of Social Psychology, 30, 745-778 Castelli, L. , Zecchini, A. , De Amicis, L. , Sherman, S. J. (2005). The impact of implicit prejudice about the elderly on the reaction to stereotype confirmation and disconfirmation. Current Psychology: Developmental, Learning, Personality, Social, 24, 134-146. Clark, E.A. , Kashima, Y. (2007). Stereotypes help people connect with others in the community: A situated functional analysis of the stereotype consistency bias in communication. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 93, 1028-1039. Karasawa, M. , Asai, N. , Tanabe, Y. (2007). Stereotypes as shared beliefs: Effects of group identity on dyadic conversations. Group Processes Intergroup Relations, 10, 515-532. Kunda, Z. , Oleson, K. C. (1995). Maintaining stereotypes in the face of disconfirmation: Constructing grounds for subtyping deviants. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 68, 565-579. Lepore, L, Brown, R. (1997) Category and stereotype activation: Is prejudice inevitable? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 77, 275-287. Lipman (1922) as cited in Lyons, A. , Kashima, Y. (2001). The reproduction of culture: Communication processes tend to maintain cultural stereotypes. Social Cognition, 19, 372-391. Lyons, A. , Kashima, Y. (2006). Maintaining stereotypes in communication: Investigating memory bias and coherence-seeking storytelling. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 9, 59-71. Lyons, A. , Kashima, Y. (2003). How are stereotypes maintained through communication? The influence of stereotype sharedness. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 85, 989-1005. Lyons, A. , Kashima, Y. (2001). The reproduction of culture: Communication processes tend to maintain cultural stereotypes. Social Cognition, 19, 372-391. Macrae, C. N. , Milne, A. B. , Bodenhausen, G. V. (1994). Stereotypes as energy-saving devices: A peek inside the cognitive toolbox. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 66, 37-47. Park, B., Wolsko, C. , Judd, C. M. (2001). Measurement of subtyping in stereotype change. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 37, 325 – 332. Perdue, C. W. , Dovidio, J. F. , Gurtman, M. B. , Tyler, R. B. (1990). Us and them: Social catergorization and the process of intergroup bias. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 5, 475-186. Rudman, L. A. , Borgida, E. (1995). The afterglow of construct accessibility: The behavioural consequences of priming men to view women as sexual objects. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 31, 493 – 517.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide are Morally Correct :: Free Euthanasia Essay

Euthanasia is Morally Correct "The third night that I roomed with Jack in our tiny double room, in the solid-tumor ward of the cancer clinic of the National Institute of Health in Maryland, a terrible thought occurred to me. Jack had a melanoma in his belly, a malignant solid tumor that the doctors guessed was the size of a softball. The doctors planned to remove the tumor, but they knew Jack would soon die. The cancer had now spread out of control. Jack, about 28, was in constant pain, and his doctor had prescribed an intravenous shot, a pain killer, and this would control the pain for perhaps two hours or a bit more. Then he would begin to moan, or whimper, very low, as though he didn't want to wake me. Then he would begin to howl, like a dog. When this happened, he would ring for a nurse, and ask for the pain-killer. The third night of his routine, a terrible thought occurred to me. 'If Jack were a dog, I thought, what would be done to him?' The answer was obvious: the pound, and the chloroform. No human being with a spark of pity could let a living thing suffer so, to no good end." (James Rachel's The Morality of Euthanasia) The experience of Stewart Alsop, a respected journalist, who died in 1975 of a rare form of cancer gave an example on the morality of euthanasia. Before he died, he wrote movingly of his experiences with another terminal patient. Although he had not thought much about euthanasia before, he came to approve of it after sharing a room with Jack. While growing up, each of us learns a large number of rules of conduct. Which rules we learn will depend on the kind of society we live in and the parents and the friends we have. We may learn to be honest, to be loyal, and to work hard. Sometimes we learn a rule without understanding its point. In most cases this may work out, for the rule may be designed to cover ordinary circumstances, but when faced with unusual situations, we may be in trouble. This situation is the same with moral rules. Without understanding the rules, we may come

Thursday, October 24, 2019

History of Punjab: State of Sikh Religion :: World History

History of Punjab: State of Sikh Religion Punjab, state in northwestern India,bordered on the north by Jammu and Kashmir state and Himachal Pradesh state, on the east and south by Haryana state, on the south and southwest by Rajasthan state, and on the west by Pakistan. Punjab state lies between the great systems of the Indus and Ganges river. Punjab had a population of 20,281,969. Chandà ®garh is the state capital. The population of Punjab consists mainly of Punjabis, Jats, and Rajputs. The official language is Punjabi. The majority of the population is Sikh, the largest minority is Hindu, and a very small percentage is Muslim, Buddhist, Christian, or Jain. 59% of Punjab population is literate. Universities located in the state include Guru Nanak Dev University in Amritsar, Punjab Agricultural University in Ludhiana, and Punjabi University in Patiala. More than 80 percent of Punjab is cultivated, and farming is the leading occupation. The major crops are wheat, maize, rice, pulses, sugarcane, and cotton.The industries include the manufacture of textiles, sewing machines, sporting goods, starch, fertilizers, bicycles, scientific instruments, electrical goods, and machine tools, and the processing of sugar and pine oil. I am proud to be Punjabi because of pure and rich culture of that state. Punjabis' are famous all around the world and can be easily found in any corner of the world. ANCIENT CIVILIZATION: Punjab is the birth place of Indus Valley Civilization, which is more than 4000 years old. Harappa and Mohenjodaro civilization, along the banks of the Indus in Punjab is also the most ancient and famous civilization in the world history. Punjab is also the birth place of many Saints belong to Sikh and Hindu religion. Aryan Migration: During ancient Punjab takes small scale migrations by the Aryans from the North-West (1500-100 BC). The next thousand year they live in Punjab, they settled never Indus Basin where the oldest books of human history called the Rig-Vedas are supposed to have been written. The language of Aryans was Sanskrit. Persian Rule: Punjab shared lot of history with great Persian empires. Punjab came under their control from time to time. Darius the great, the Persian king attacked Punjab and occupied many parts of Punjab. At last the Punjab was full invaded by the Persian King Gustasp in 516 BC. Punjab became the wealthiest Satrapy i.e., the province in the Persian kingdom. Punjab became the heart of the Persian Empire.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Life Experiences Essay

This happened when I was in high school. For a fresh start, couple of new faces approached me, commencing to know each other, hang out and became good friends. One time, they invited me for a tea talk, I thought it was like the usual one we have had, but it wasn’t. For the first time, I’ve known my friends deeper than I thought. They were sorority members and encourage me to join them. Aside for curiosity sake, I wanted to join the sorority and I did so with the hope of making some close, lifelong friends and for fear that I will loose these friends that I have. In my first entry, I find them, the members so elegant, mark by their refined manner and style and I am bewildered by their kind of hospitality. Their mission acknowledges the part of a sound sorority system that can play in supporting the overall mission of the school; assists the students in developing skills necessary to conduct themselves in a manner that reflects values and standards of the movement and the university. Academic excellence, loyalty to alma mater, strong leadership, friendship and a high moral standards are the foundations upon which they place their efforts. But the sad thing about this experience is that it is not an isolated incident. On the contrary, all across the country, in colleges and in high schools (as well as other places such as the military, religious cults, even marching bands), thousands of young people, men and women, are subjected to a rather perverse form of initiation rites: its called hazing, and not only it is foolish and dangerous, it’s also illegal and this group where I am in is not far behind. It is one of their initiation rites, a kind of preparation in which those who aren’t of the right makeup are weeded out. There was one time wherein one ceremony of a freshman new entry was to dance on the stage right after the flag ceremony, how humiliating isn’t it? It made me question one of the missions, the high moral standard. Negative effects is that it creates an environment in which people take part in things that normally they would never do like those situation that produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment or ridicule. Such activities may include but are not limited to- use of alcohol, smoking, paddling in any form (but not as harsh as those of the fraternities), excessive fatigue and all of these I have experienced. It only proved that I once was dumb enough to allow myself to be in these kinds. But not all are negative ones of course; there are brighter sides of being part of a sorority. It includes developing my character as a person, build up my leadership abilities, it enhance my academic interest and teaches me how to be financially responsible. More importantly, in life, because of the pressure of hazing, it teaches me courage, enough inner strength and personal stamina to walk away and say NO, the next time when there is a strong need to say so. REFERENCE Scott, J. (2005). Is this the right rite of passage? Health and Home, the Nations way of better living, 6(4), 12-13, 43.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Literature Review and Research Methodology Draft Effects of Internet Addiction on Family Relationships among Teenagers

Literature Review and Research Methodology Draft Effects of Internet Addiction on Family Relationships among Teenagers Introduction Literature review pertains to cross-examining what other scholars have done in the field of study. This is based on the idea that knowledge is cumulative. Revisiting other people’s ideas and thoughts help in formulating both theoretical and conceptual frameworks. In this study, the researcher will employ some theories of motivation, which are part of theoretical literature.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Literature Review and Research Methodology Draft: Effects of Internet Addiction on Family Relationships among Teenagers specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Conceptual literature will be revisited by scrutinizing what other researchers have concluded in their studies regarding to motivation of employees. Literature review is important because it offers a foundation to any study. Generally, literature review is related to determining how much is known. It is important because it keeps away un necessary duplication of data and gives more knowledge to the researcher (Lauby 2005, p. 7). The researcher can only avoid mistakes committed by other researchers if he/she reviews literature. Therefore, review of literature helps a researcher to formulate a study that stands the taste of time. Child Pornography Research shows that child pornographic material found on the internet is usually a result of abduction. This behavior has always threatened to interfere with the very survival of society since it has various effects to children. Children found engaging in pornography are normally victimized. In one of the studies conducted in the US, 100 victims were interviewed and the results had some similarities. First, victims complained about physical pain because they were forced to engage in activities that they are not used to doing. Children feel threatened because those taking them through such pains might even be their relatives (Dombrowski, Gischlar, Durst, 2007). Unwanted sexu al solicitation As shown in the graph below, adolescents are in danger of sexual solicitation. Since there is no enough data to support this claim, this study would try to prove that unwanted internet sexual solicitation affects family relations in one way or the other. Through the internet, the family is exposed to risky sexual behaviors. A study conducted in Dutch among the adolescents indicated that adolescents were likely to engage in sexual solicitation as opposed to adults. In the study, females were frequently solicited as opposed to men. In the study, the benefits of sexual solicitation were few as compared to the risks (Bourke, Hernandez, 2009).Advertising Looking for research paper on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Conclusion From the above information, it is eminent that research gaps exist hence it is pertinent to conduct a study to establish the extent at which the internet affects family r elations. Methodology The proposal would utilize quantitative research methods in conducting the study and collecting data. Quantitative research would be used since it aims at summarizing data mathematically. In this regard, the research will take the form of a survey, whereby the researcher will identify some individuals and post questionnaires to them. The sampled population will be selected randomly in order to eliminate biases (Hakim, 2000). The researcher will further make follow-ups, by conducting respondents on phone. Design There will be two key methods used to gather information in the proposal. The first one will be through a questionaire, which will be administered online to the selected victims and offenders. The questionaire will seek to capture various attutudes of victims and offenders as regards to child pornography and unwanted sexual solicitation. The second source of information that will be used in the proposal would be literature on various aspects internet har assment. The focus of the literature review will be to find information on effects of the internet on family members and also to determine the current state of research as regards to the effects of the internet. The questionnaire will have four Parts. The first part will seek to capture the biodata information of respondents. The second part will deal with the demography and gender of the respondents. This would ascertain the prevalence of views in varoius categories in order to ensure that if any differences come about, then they would be captured in their demographic space.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Literature Review and Research Methodology Draft: Effects of Internet Addiction on Family Relationships among Teenagers specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The third part will deal with societal status and experience of both victims and offenders as regards to child pornography and unwanted sexual solicitat ion (Creswell, 2003). The motivation for this section came from the understanding that different sections of population respond differently to change, based on age and societal status. The fourth part will delve into the specific issues relating to the effects of the internet to victims and offenders, starting from the understanding of the concept to the possible effects it would have on respondents. Theoretical and Conceptual Framework The study will utilize deductive scaffold because some theories will be used to give a certain picture of the study. Deductive reasoning starts by analyzing some concepts before moving to the field to confirm the claims. The researcher will analyze some theories related to child pornography and unwanted sexual solicitation before moving to the field to collect data. The technique is constructive because it equips the researcher with relevant information. In other words, deductive reasoning moves from generalizations to the specific idea. Two theories will first be analyzed before moving to the field. Sampling Methods The most applicable sampling method for the proposal will be random sampling. Considering that the targeted population consists of children and adults in the families, there was no much risk of having biased data. If the survey needed to cover the entire family members, systematic sampling, coupled with stratified sampling would be ideal to ensure cross-sectional representation. However, the survey targeted children and their parents. Hence, random sampling would prove to be sufficient to collect required data (Crotty, 2003). References Bourke, M., Hernandez, A. (2009). The Butner Study, Redux: A Report of the Incidence of Hands on Child Victimization by Child Pornography Offenders. Journal of Family Violence, 24(3), 183–93.Advertising Looking for research paper on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Creswell, J. (2003). Research design: Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods approaches (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Crotty, M. (2003). The Foundations of Social Research: meaning and perspective in the research process. London: Sage. Dombrowski, S., Gischlar, K., Durst, T. (2007). Safeguarding Young People from Cyber Pornography and Cyber Sexual Predation: A Major Dilemma of the Internet. Child Abuse Review, 16(3), 153–70. Hakim, C (2000). Research Design: Sucessful Designs for Social and Economic Research. New York: Routledge.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Observation of Child Growth Essay Example

Observation of Child Growth Essay Example Observation of Child Growth Essay Observation of Child Growth Essay Introduction red Development blue – Conclusion orange Individualism– Giving priority to one’s own goals over group          goals and defining one’s identity in terms of personal attributes          rather than group identification. For the first time in my life I am being an individualist. I am giving greater priority to my own personal goals. I honestly don’t know what I was thinking changing careers at the age of 42 but I am determined to get my nursing degree. For the next 2 years it will be about me and my own personal achievements. Aggression – Physical or verbal behavior intended to hurt          someone. I was married for 11 years to a very physically and verbally abusive man. Daily he told me what a piece of crap I was and belittled me every chance he got. He broke my nose, burnt my car to the ground and just about anything you could imagine. His aggression nearly destroyed me as a person. I am so thankful today to be out of that relationship. Human Growth and Development The child that is being observed is a little girl named Aliyah. She is 6 years of age and she is of African-American decent. She has curly black hair that comes down her back. She is somewhat larger than your average 6-year-old child. She is about 4 feet 2 inches tall and weighs about 80 pounds. I am observing her while she is doing her homework. She is studying for the state testing which will be taking place in April. She truly demonstrates her cognitive skills by her studying methods and by how well her memory is able to quickly retain the information that she is studying. Due to her early education she is able to learn new words, which depicts the finer motor skills in child development that is more often found in girls. Aliyah is excited that she only has 4 pages of homework to do; she smiles gently at her mother who is helping her. Aliyah demonstrates the child functions that relate to the theories of middle childhood that are listed below. Middle Childhood These years are very important during ones development. During this time, children learn to read and calculate, develop social skills to interact with other children and significant adults, and, more generally, acquire the wider cultural and social values of citizenship. Understanding how this time affects later development should help policymakers better allocate resources across childhood (and the life course) to enhance childrens development and minimize their risk of negative adult outcomes. Physical Growth Growth slow in middle childhood, and wide differences in Child development that occurs from birth to adulthood was largely ignored throughout much of history. Children were often viewed simply as small versions of adults and little attention was paid to the many advances in cognitive abilities, language usage, and physical growth. Interest in the field of child development began early in the 20th-century and tended to focus on abnormal behavior. The following are just a few of the many child development theories that have been proposed by theorists and researchers. More recent theories outline the developmental stages of children and identify the typical ages at which these growth milestones occur. Sigmund Freud The theories proposed by Sigmund Freud stressed the importance of childhood events and experiences, but almost exclusively focused on mental disorders rather that normal functioning. According to Freud, child development is described as a series of psychosexual stages. In Three Essays on Sexuality (1915), Freud outlined these stages as oral, anal, phallic, latency and genital. Each stage involves the satisfaction of a libidinal desire and can later play a role in adult personality. Learn more in this article on Freud’s stages of psychosexual development. Erik Erikson Theorist Erik Erikson also proposed a stage theory of development, but his theory encompassed development throughout the human lifespan. Erikson believed that each stage of development was focused on overcoming a conflict. Success or failure in dealing with conflicts can impact overall functioning. Learn more about this theory in this article on Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development. Cognitive Child Development Theories Theorist Jean Piaget suggested that children think differently than adults and proposed a stage theory of cognitive development. He was the first to note that children play an active role in gaining knowledge of the world. Learn more in this article on Piaget’s stages of cognitive development. Behavioral Child Development Theories Behavioral theories of child development focus on how environmental interaction influences behavior and are based upon the theories of theorists such as John B. Watson, Ivan Pavlov and B. F. Skinner. These theories deal only with observable behaviors. Development is considered a reaction to rewards, punishments, stimuli and reinforcement. Learn more about these behavioral theories in these articles on classical conditioning and operant conditioning. Social Child Development Theories There is a great deal of research on the social development of children. John Bowbly proposed one of the earliest theories of social development. Bowlby believed that early relationships with caregivers play a major role in child development and continue to influence social relationships throughout life. Learn more in this overview of attachment theory. Did You Know? She claims that psychological research and political culture is highly influenced by, or should I say contaminated with, the myth of motherhood. Up to 19th century motherhood was not a full time job and an essential component for a healthy child development. This approach started to change at the end of the 19th century, when under the influence of politics, clergy and psychology, the weight of childs development was shifted from the society and father almost exclusively onto mother. It was believed at that time that what happens to the child is largely a product of who the mother is and what she does or does not do (Silverstein, 1026). The theory of heavy influence of mothers behavior on the child has been the subject of the research by Bowlby and Spitz on child care. It has led them both to similar conclusions. The research has shown that emotional disorders and intellectual retardation observed in institutionalized infants were the result of the deprivation of a continuous relationship with mother (Silverstein, 1026). This conclusion would seem completely logical if it was not for the fact that mothers actions, or their lack, were the only factor taken under consideration in the study. That problem was noticed by Rutter, who after analyzing his studies, came to a very challenging conclusion. He concluded that emotional disorders and intellectual retardation (? ) were the consequence of a wide range of factors (Silverstein, Early Child Development Early Child Development There are many key factors that play up to the role of early child development, starting from before the child is nonexistent, until the child is a full grown baby. Bodily Processes of Reproduction There are numerous hormones in the human body that play key factors in allowing a human being to reproduce successfully When infants are born they want to be loved and cared in what ever relationships they are with their caregivers, so that they could survive and could feel sense of    security and warmth , which without a caregiver is impossible ,talking about caregivers ,mother would be the primary source of forming an infants first relationship by whom the baby would take his first leap towards his growth and development and would keep continuing making his advances further in many domains of psychological development , whether social or cognitive. Some key features which play an important role in his early psychological development are meshing, imitation, and scaffolding . But which theoretical approach of    development would imply in infants early psychological development    , will it be behaviorism, nativism, constructivism or social constructivism or will they over lap with one another in their implication thus it would be    analyzed and explored during the mother and infant interaction and behaviour in different processes like imitation, scaffolding etc but what are these processes? And how they influence and play an important role in types of psychological development (social, cognitive, and in language development) KEY FEATURES OF INFANT FIRST RELATIONSHIP Meshing is one of the key features of relationship in mother ? infant interaction. Behaviour of both an infant and mother are meshed together. The common situation of meshing is witnessed when a smooth conversation between two people is going on and each person waits for his turn taking either to speak or to listen, this indicates mutual action happening simultaneously. Trevarthen(1993) called it as co-regulation the aspects of turn taking and synchronizing, furthermore he described them through speech and non verbal behaviour, such as nods, eye contacts

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Avoid the Freshman 15

How to Avoid the Freshman 15 The Freshman 15 is one of the things incoming students hear about the most. Legend has it that the average student gains fifteen pounds during their first year in college. Urban myth or not, keep these tips in mind to ensure you eat and stay healthy as you adjust to eating on campus. Walk whenever and wherever you can on campus. Your campus may be big or small, hilly or flat, but regardless: its probably walkable. Do your best to take the long way when you can. Join an intramural sports team. Never played rugby or softball before? Who cares! Intramural sports can be a fun way to learn a new sport, meet people, and stay healthy during your time at school. Use the campus gym. Its most likely free, or very cheap. Make the most of it while you can. Get a workout partner. Not good at always making it to that 8:00 a.m. spin class? Find someone else who is interested in attending on a regular basis, and help hold each other accountable. Choose diet soda instead of regular. You might be surprised at how quickly all of those calories add up! Eat a salad (or a piece of fruit, or a healthy side veggie) with whatever else you grab for dinner. And do it every time. Eat a healthy breakfast. Your mom was right: your day does go better when you eat a good breakfast. Avoid the d onuts and grab some oatmeal to go. Keep healthy snacks in your room. Even if you dont have a fridge in your room, you can still keep pretzels, fruit (dried or fresh), healthy nuts, and energy bars on hand. Dont get dessert every time you eat. True, the dining hall may have unlimited self-serve ice cream, but that doesnt mean you should eat it every night. If youre going to order food late at night, make smart choices. Up late studying with your roommate and want to order pizza? Choose cheese only instead of loading up on toppings. Do something physical every weekend. Go for a run, join a pick-up game, play Ultimate Frisbee with some friends. Just get your body moving. Walk when you go off campus. Are your friends and you heading to a nice, neighborhood restaurant to get away for a while? If you can, try walking as a group instead of hopping in a car. Let yourself splurge every once in a while. Giving in to the self-serve ice cream machine is fine, as is the donut you are craving for breakfast, as long as you dont do it every day. But you do deserve a treat every once in a while! Drink water throughout the day. Do you go for 8 hours straight, from work to class to your club meeting to work again? Bring a water bottle with you to make sure you stay hydrated and healthy. Dont go long periods without eating. Running around all day, only to realize you havent eaten in a long time, isnt good for your body. It also may increase the likelihood that youll eat whats first available, instead of the food and nutrients your body needs. If you know you have a long day coming, pack some snacks ahead of time so your body has the fuel it needs to keep up with that big, college-educated brain of yours.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

MEASURING QUALITY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

MEASURING QUALITY - Essay Example Outcomes define the end results of nursing interventions and are indicators of problem resolution or progress toward problem or symptom resolution. (ANA) The ICNP ® defines a nursing outcome as the measure or status of a nursing diagnosis at points in time after a nursing intervention. (ICNP 2001) There are several indicators used by health care providers in measuring patient outcomes. This paper would only discuss two (2) indicators: (1) functional status and (2) patient satisfaction with care. A patient undergoes functional assessment to determine his/her abilities to perform activities of daily living. Functional status is assessed in terms of the ability to feed, dress, toilet, move, transfer, and ambulate self independently or with some degree of required assistance. This is usually done upon admission, during confinement, and before discharge from the hospital or healthcare institution. The quality of care provided is measured by the difference or improvement in functional abilities upon admission and before discharge. Patient satisfaction with care is measured using customer satisfaction surveys or questionnaires which gauge the ability of healthcare providers to satisfy the needs of the patients. Areas for improvement could be identified using the questionnaires. Immediate courses of action should be instituted to improve on the weaknesses and to commend quality care. The role of healthcare providers in quality care can never be overemphasized. â€Å"As stewards of patient care, nurses maintain a unique role in identifying and guiding the intervention processes central to quality care†. (Gantz, 2003) Their personal approach to their patients makes them the front liners in patient care. To enable healthcare providers to ensure that the provision for quality care is being delivered, there should be a continuous quality

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Union on the CBA Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

The Union on the CBA - Research Paper Example The researcher states that the union has failed to explicitly state in the CBA the terms of how they would raise their premiums, given the anticipated appreciation of premium rates. The researcher states that the interpretation of the union on the CBA was reasonable, given that the CBA explicitly stated that the percentage increase on the premiums to be paid by the workers, effective January 1,200, would be on the stated amounts as based from the 1999 premiums for the TOP. In this case, it can reasonably be argued that the premiums to be paid by the workers would be based on 1999 premiums; however, it is also the union’s fault that they did not clarify on whether the rates presented on the CBA were merely illustrative, or were the actual rates. In this case, The researcher states that the company also had the moral responsibility to explicitly state the terms of the CBA provision, so that there would be no confusion on its interpretation. On this specific case, it can clearly be seen that the premium payment figures stated in the CBA may be reasonably understood to be based on 1999 premiums, effective on the stated date. Because the company actually failed to explicitly state that the figures indicated in the company were merely illustrative, despite their previous practice of how premium rates would be computed, this only created much confusion between them and the union, which may lead to significant disruption of normal business operations.

ZhangNing_Essay_Illinois Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

ZhangNing_Essay_Illinois - Essay Example I further strengthened my determination to pursue a career in this field when I witnessed how the numerous financial elites in Shanghai have contributed to the prosperity of the city and turned the city into the financial capital of China. Aiming to grow into a financial expert who can make a big contribution to the field, I have followed the guidance of my uncles. First of all, I have paid a lot of attention to mathematics, as it is the essential tool for financial analysis. Establishing good analytical and critical thinking capability from practicing mathematics, I have further acquired understanding in finance by watching financial programs and reading financial journals. Being familiar with diverse industries and accumulating basic skills of analyzing corporate financial reports, I have gone on to gain hands-on experience of finance by managing a stock account, which was offered to me by my father as a birthday gift. Collecting information in a timely way and making predictions accurately, I have successfully earned money. Although the total sum of money is trivial, the experience and confidence I have achieved have reinforced my determination of pursuing my career in finance. In the process of achieving my goals, I have completed an internship in the financial department of Shanghai’s BaoAn Hotel. From this work experience, I have gained a definitive understanding of the financial operating system of a company and started accumulating knowledge in corporate management accounting. Although I feel I have learned a lot so far, I am fully aware that in order to become a financial expert, I still need to expand my perspective and acquire further knowledge in my undergraduate education. Therefore, I wish to study in the U.S., the leading country in the world for financial services. Despite the recent financial disaster, I am sure that the U.S. will survive and thrive as it has always done in the past. By studying in the U.S., I will learn how Americans conquer

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Issues in Retailing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Issues in Retailing - Essay Example Apart from the above issues there are ethical issues specific to particular retailers that also have a major role to play in the development of the respective businesses. This paper makes a report on the ethical issues being faced by Tesco, a major retailer in the UK. One of the key elements that have been identified in the ethical implications of the retail industry in the UK is with respect to the issues in the supply chain management especially those encountered by them in sourcing from overseas markets. Several groups of stakeholders have evinced greater interest in this phenomenon. "This interest by the media, investors, consumers, employees, the Government and NGOs has led companies to explore how they can best control and manage the ethical implications of increased sourcing from overseas markets."2 In order to ensure that the supply chain management of the retailers is an effective social compliance model from the ethical point of view the retailers specify that the manufacturers' facilities meet the local regulations concerning the compliances or they follow the codes of conduct specified by the retailers in this connection. For monitoring this, the retailers make use of the external agencies specialized in this area or some of them even employ their own full time specialist executives. This issue can as well be related to the term 'Ethical Trading'. Though there is no consensus on the definition of ethical trade at least in the UK context ethical trading refers to sourcing of products from companies that ensure better labour and human rights standards to their workforce which are part of the social compliance. Another key element in the ethical sphere that has a close connection with the retail industry can be identified in 'Fair Trading'. Fair trade has more development oriented specific aim of "[contributing]towards change in international relations in such a way that disadvantaged producers can increase their control over their own future, have a fair and just return for their work, continuity of income and decent working conditions through sustainable development."3 Though fair trading started with increased focus on the socio economic issues, with the passage of time there has been a shift in the focus towards meeting the environmental standards. Although the Ethical Trading Initiative (UK) does not mention anything about the environmental standards, several retailers have started to monitor the environmental performance of their suppliers. "For instance, through the Assured Produce scheme used in British agriculture and supported by many multiple retailers also involved in the Ethical Trading Initiative."4 It is often stressed that the ethical trading should not only focus on the socio-economic issues but also should cover the environmental

Summary Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Summary - Article Example Science and technology are our greatest assets, and we must continue to help those students progress in their fields. The changes that Kerr proposes begins with a greater dependency on tuition. If students are serious about their degrees, and if they are entering higher-paying professions, they should be able to take on a higher tuition. This may seem like a negative to attending a research college, but it will also provide students with more learning opportunities while in school. Another proposition is that the government should be more concerned in the welfare of these students, especially since the students will be playing a large role in the economy. The public should also become concerned with the success of these students, and should help by providing facilities for learning, such as hospitals. Kerr believes that since these students will be helping society and the government with their education, then society and the government should be willing to help them in return by allowing them to receive this education. In â€Å"Magnet Schools and the Pursuit of Racial Balance,† Ellen Goldring and Claire Smrekar look to a different style of schooling, one that takes into consideration the importance of racial diversity. Magnet schools were originally designed in 1960 to offer students both educational opportunities that they would not find in traditional schools and unique experiences in racially segregated environments. However, the number of magnet schools have drastically risen since then, starting with an impressive spike that was seen in 1975, but many began to take different approaches to their teaching methods or what they offered. Even though segregation has stopped being a pressing issue, parents and teachers alike are still concerned that magnet schools uphold this one important aspect. A study was done among magnet schools in St. Louis

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Issues in Retailing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Issues in Retailing - Essay Example Apart from the above issues there are ethical issues specific to particular retailers that also have a major role to play in the development of the respective businesses. This paper makes a report on the ethical issues being faced by Tesco, a major retailer in the UK. One of the key elements that have been identified in the ethical implications of the retail industry in the UK is with respect to the issues in the supply chain management especially those encountered by them in sourcing from overseas markets. Several groups of stakeholders have evinced greater interest in this phenomenon. "This interest by the media, investors, consumers, employees, the Government and NGOs has led companies to explore how they can best control and manage the ethical implications of increased sourcing from overseas markets."2 In order to ensure that the supply chain management of the retailers is an effective social compliance model from the ethical point of view the retailers specify that the manufacturers' facilities meet the local regulations concerning the compliances or they follow the codes of conduct specified by the retailers in this connection. For monitoring this, the retailers make use of the external agencies specialized in this area or some of them even employ their own full time specialist executives. This issue can as well be related to the term 'Ethical Trading'. Though there is no consensus on the definition of ethical trade at least in the UK context ethical trading refers to sourcing of products from companies that ensure better labour and human rights standards to their workforce which are part of the social compliance. Another key element in the ethical sphere that has a close connection with the retail industry can be identified in 'Fair Trading'. Fair trade has more development oriented specific aim of "[contributing]towards change in international relations in such a way that disadvantaged producers can increase their control over their own future, have a fair and just return for their work, continuity of income and decent working conditions through sustainable development."3 Though fair trading started with increased focus on the socio economic issues, with the passage of time there has been a shift in the focus towards meeting the environmental standards. Although the Ethical Trading Initiative (UK) does not mention anything about the environmental standards, several retailers have started to monitor the environmental performance of their suppliers. "For instance, through the Assured Produce scheme used in British agriculture and supported by many multiple retailers also involved in the Ethical Trading Initiative."4 It is often stressed that the ethical trading should not only focus on the socio-economic issues but also should cover the environmental

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Personal reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5

Personal reflection - Essay Example There is much reason that explain the perpetual social problem among coffee farmers. One of the main problem is the existent of middlemen in the coffee market (Francis). They buy coffee at a low price and sell at super profit. In addition, the coffee market is controlled by a few multinational companies that dictate the prices of coffee (Francis). For this reason, the farmer has no power to control the market, but they are reduced as price takers. And because the coffee multinational want to maximise their gain they buy coffee seeds at low price to the disadvantage of coffee farmers. This explains the perpetual circle of poverty among Ethiopian and other African countries that grow coffee (Francis). And because lack of hope in controlling the poor prices of coffee, the farmers are turning to chat farming because it attracts better prices in the local market. They argue that the only way out of poverty is to abandon coffee for other lucrative

Groundwork Preparation for Wet Mounts Essay Example for Free

Groundwork Preparation for Wet Mounts Essay Through processes know as wet mounts and simple stains, observing living microorganisms through a compound microscope can generate a clearer understanding of their appearances and movements. Microorganisms are living things that for the most part cannot be seen through the naked eye. They live on and among humans, as well as plants, animals, and all that is a part of the Earth. Harmless as most seem to be to humans, microorganisms are an important relevance of study for human interest in varied perplexities and can dictate a human lifes progress or deterioration; thus the significance to humans is vital (Talaro 6). The discovery of the microscope introduced a new branch of science called microbiology. The microscope, a major instrument in this realm of study makes it possible to observe, acknowledge, and clarify implications of meaning to the study of organisms. In preparing for two basic observations, a wet mount and a simple stain, living microorganisms can be seen clearer through a simple stain and by using a drop of water, movements of microorganisms are varied. A smear is when a spreading of bacteria is made on a slide for viewing. A simple stain is when a method of observation of a living organism is smeared on a slide with one stain during a procedure. A wet mount is where a research method of an organism or organisms is placed on a slide with fluid. The microorganisms can then move freely. On the laboratory research completed January 30, 2006 using a wet mount example and a simple stain instruction the following items were used to obtain the visibility of microorganisms moving through slides using two kinds of avenues. The first was a wet mount. The following items and instructions were used to obtain optimum examination of organisms: 1.) Add one drop dH20 on center of slide. 2.) Dip wireloop in pond water. 3.) Smear wireloop sample on slide. 4.) Place cover slip over smear. 5.) Observe slide under 4x, 10x, and 40x. Results At 40x: The bacteria is an algae type of species. One reason would be is to differentiate between true mobility of an organism and a Brownian movement which is considered a movement caused of the moles  while the liquid is thumping an entity or causing the entity to tremble or recoil. When this slide was viewed on a 4x and 10x under microscope small bacteria could be seen as several dots but at 40x, those dots became one huge light brown bacterium that had still several smaller bacteria inside of it. The objective for the wet mount examination and the simple stain slide observation is to determine size, shape, arrangement, and mobility of cells. The reasoning the two materials are to determine what happens when dye instead of water is used in determining the size and shape of bacteria (Granato 4). The usage of oil immersion magnifies this process. The example of the pond water for the wet mount sample lets the examinee see bacterium that has lived in H20 for a certain amount of time whereas the SA plate is in a gel-like substance. The methods applied for a simple stain using an SA plate to examine the bacteria in it were the following: 1.) drop of dh20, 2.) Take sample from SA plate 3.) Heat fixate. Cool slide afterwards, 4.) Add one drop of Methxylene Blue for 30 seconds, 5. Wash smear gently w/dH20 from the slide, 6.) Remove excess water, and 7.) Observe under 4x, 10x, 40x, and then 100x with oil immersion. Results at 100x: Under oil immersion the specimens are easily seen as varied and elongated. The extension from one to another is quite extensive. Although while viewing the specimen during the simple staining process, I wasnt sure what type of bacteria it was. The fact Methxylene Blue was added instead of just H20 and of course adding the oil because it was magnified at 100x, the specimen were numerous in size and shape. The pond water algae seemed lifeless and didnt move either by themselves nor because water had hit them. The implication and significance of these two processes of examination are vital to experience a step forward in the world of studying microorganisms. What was viewed during these examination places an actual visual understanding about life not seen by the naked eye. The experience unknown to me demonstrates a passage which will now emphasize a greater  understanding of the world of microbes. Works Cited Granato, Paul A., Helen Eckel Mizer, and Josefine A. Morello. Laboratory ManualAnd Workbook in Microbiology: Applications to Patient Care. New York:McGraw Publishing. 2006. 5th Edition. Talaro, Kathleen Park. Foundations in Microbiology: Basic Principles. New York:McGraw Publishing. 2005. 5th Edition.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Evaluating Personal Study Skills Education Essay

Evaluating Personal Study Skills Education Essay For this essay I will be evaluating my own study skills and identifying my strengths and weaknesses using a SWOT analysis technique. Once these issues have been identified any deficiencies will be addressed by way of a diagnostic plan. SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats and was created by Albert Humphrey at Stanford University in the 1960s. SWOT Analysis is an effective process for interpreting my Strengths and Weaknesses, and for describing the Opportunities available to me and the Threats hindering me. In order to be productive when learning study skills must be acquired. Study skills include such things as time management, note taking in lectures, concentration, memorizing and public speaking skills. In addition to assisting me to highlight the skills I need to improve and develop, completing a SWOT analysis will allow me to centre my attention onto the skills where I am already strong. Study Skills Swot Analysis Strengths Note-taking in lectures Punctuality Classroom discussions Researching Reading IT skills Weaknesses Motivation Making time to study Spelling Time management Procrastination Self discipline Presenting projects concentration Exam preparation Memory Work experience in the construction industry technical knowledge Impatience Opportunities Extra help from tutors Proof reading by graduated colleagues Use of technology such as recording devices during lectures Opportunities for personal development Job shadowing Engage tutors in providing feedback Threats Working late in my part time job can negatively impact on my studies Long commute to college can affect my time management Time pressure Study Skills Study skills provide a significant contribution to academic success and they are decisive tools for learning. As Devine, (1987) stated: Study skills encompass a range of coordinated cognitive skills and processes that enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of students learning According to Hoover and Patton (1995), study skills include the competencies associated with acquiring, recording, organising, synthesising, remembering, and using information. These skills help the student to be successful. Studying is a skill and like all skills it involves training and developing by using particular methods that assist the student learn, organise, remember, and apply information. According to Gersten (1998), a lot of students with studying weaknesses simply do not know the tricks of the trade that are practiced by more successful students when they study. A skilled student will use a type of cognitive learning rather than just learning from observing and repetition. Pressley and Afflerbach (1995) discovered several key cognitive techniques that successful students use in order to interpret and help remember information. Some of these were as follows: Overview before reading Search for important information and pay more attention to it Relating important points Use of prior knowledge Change the approach of learning when struggling to understand The reverse is true when dealing with students of a low academic level as they will frequently exhibit weak study skills. As they incline to adopt a more inactive role in studying and tend to rely on other people for example, teachers or parents. Studying needs both cognitive thinking, as well as self-management skills in order to sustain the students concentration, effort, and time needed. If these self-management skills are not employed it may be due to inadequate motivation. Study skills are needed for students to achieve academic success. Good study skills reduce the chance that the student will fail and enable them to make the best of what they are taught. To be competent, students must have a broad range of study skills that they are capable of using. Issues to be addressed Time management relates to an array of skills applied to manage time in order to achieve particular projects, jobs and goals. To improve my time management skills it is important I set individual tasks or goals and break them down into an action plan. An importance rating will be established for each individual task or goal and a deadline set (e.g. Dissertation to be completed by April 26th). This process will result in an extensive plan with a schedule of activities over a daily period. Many time management computer programmes are now available which I would find easier to manage. Once my goals and tasks have been set and prioritised time management comes down to the efficient scheduling of my time which helps me to keep on track and focused. Scheduling is the procedure of calculating the time available and planning how to use it in order to accomplish the set goals and tasks. With effective scheduling I can make the best use of the time available and gain an understanding of what is achievable in the time allocated. A leading cause of not being able to concentrate is not being interested in the work. If Im reading something I really want to, my attention typically will remain. Yet, when Im learning something that I regard as dull or tedious, I will normally find it hard. At other times my lack of concentration is because Im tired or a fear of failure. In order to improve my concentration I must improve my work environment by making it more comfortable. Distractions must also be shut out as much as possible (e.g. TV, Radio). I must keep a positive mental attitude for the task and remember my purpose for studying and my ultimate goal. Motivation is a complex field and self-motivating can be hard. There are basically two types of motivation, intrinsic (Doing something because you enjoy it) and extrinsic motivation (Doing things because of external factors like money etc). I can improve my self-motivation by changing the way I look at a task, and I can associate finishing it with something thats intrinsically pleasing. I will also supply my own rewards, and alter how I approach unavoidable tasks to provide more extrinsic motivation. When I procrastinate I put off things that I should be focusing on right now, generally in favour of doing something that is more pleasurable. It is normal to procrastinate on occasion. Yet, unreasonable procrastination can lead to feelings of guilt about not completing a task straight away. Additional, extravagant procrastination can lead to inadequate performance if the task is attempted without enough time to do it competently. In order to break this habit I will make up my own rewards for completing work and ask someone to check up on me to make sure I am carrying out the work needed. There are a number of tools used to improve memory, these are called mnemonics. Mnemonics are methods for recalling information that is otherwise quite hard to remember. The thought behind practising mnemonics is to encode hard to recollect information in a way thats a great deal easier to recall. The central idea is that by encrypting information utilising pictorial mental images they are easier to remember when you need them. There are three basic principles implicit in the function of mnemonics; imagination, association and location. When you put these three principles together you are able to produce effective mnemonic systems. To improve my presentation skills I need to address a number of factors. I firstly have to recognise what the audience requires and then I need to develop the content and deliver it in a confident manor to create an overall engaging presentation. Issue Personal Action Plan Time Managment Set individual goals and tasks. Schedule these tasks on a daily basis Motivation Set personal rewards. Positive attitude Late working hours Talk to my manager about changing hours Concentration Remove distractions. Improve study area Lack of work experience Apply for volunteer work or job shadowing Cognitive Learning Become less passive and more engaged in learning Memory Incorporate mnemonics into my exam revision

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Public Choice Essays -- Education School Essays

The Public Choice For some parents, deciding on a school for their children can be a difficult decision. Many parents do not spend much time thinking about it; they place their children into the local school designated by where they live. Others attended a private school themselves and found that it was a beneficial experience and therefore want the same for their kids. But which is better: private schools or public schools? While there are many advantages and disadvantages in each (nothing is going to be absolutely perfect), we are going to focus on the benefits of an education in the public school system, or in other words, schools funded by the government that are for anyone to attend. An accurate definition found in the Encyclopedia of American Education (1996) states: â€Å"Any elementary or secondary school under control of elected or appointed civil authority, supported entirely by public tax monies, and, with few exceptions, open to all students in a designated district, free of any tuition charges.† (780) These include elementary, secondary schools and vocational schools. Public schools are a good choice in education because they provide a wide variety of subjects to study, are diverse in their student body, available to everyone, yet can sometimes be misunderstood. Imagine sitting in a class, completely bored out of your mind. This is not difficult considering everyone has taken a class like this somewhere along the road of their education. Not every class can be exciting and we should know that. Now imagine every class is of this level, with no â€Å"break†, or elective, classes incorporated into your day. Although this may not apply to all private schools, there are many that focus on specific topics. So even though the... ...des. Students who do well in a public school setting tend to feel better about themselves. They succeed because they want to, not because someone else forced them to. Whether someone prefers a public school or a private school, it all depends on the person. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to appreciate all that public schools have to offer because they get their vision blurred by all the benefits of private schools. The only thing holding them back may be cost. If these people would just take some time to find that there are just as many wonderful things about the schools our governments provide, they may feel more confident in their choice. Those never exposed to anything but private education miss out on the diversity among students, extra vocational and extracurricular classes, and may even continue to not understand all that public schools have to offer.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Create Dramatic Tension Essay

A view from the bridge, one of Arthur Miller’s first comings when he became interested in the work and lives of large communities of long shore men. Arthur Miller himself worked as a long shore man on New York Brooklyn harbour. This certainly invigorated him into something ‘dangerous and mysterious. ‘ A View from the Bridge originated from a simple story Miller’s friend had told him about. At the time Arthur was active with numerous other projects he hand entitled to do, so he didn’t act upon this piece immediately. His travels along with many potential ideas combined with his clever knowledge and imaginative understanding would give way to something that would later on become controversial. This play was written in 1955, set in Red Hook in a slum area in New York, its exactly as it sounds, dull, dark and full of unwinding drama behind closed doors. Based in 1940s immigration had been illegal at the time when America had banned it due to heavy immigrant incomings, this made coming into America difficult but not impossible. A View from the Bridge at first boasts upon a second generation Italian family, consisting of Eddie, his wife Beatrice and her niece Catherine, these three characters living together pleasantly. These characters play an essential role in dialectical amusement. This Italian family would follow the nature of the stereotypical Italian virtues, valuing loyalty, fixated trust, respect and honour. Respect and loyalty are things an Italian family should contain and retain. A clear feature in this play is immigration, which right from the beginning intertwines through to the end. Starting of with such a young fun loving warm hearted family filled with an easy atmosphere then merged towards difficult and stiff tension between additional characters like Redolfo and Marco who come over to stay from Italy, the family go through hoops of dispute leading to argumentative circles and to a most glum ending. When Beatrice’s cousin’s Marco and Redolfo move into in with the family welcomed by Eddie, things start to submerge. Eddie notices Catherine’s fondness for Redolfo, causing Eddie to become over protective, but not because its his niece but more so because of unmentionable deeper feelings he has for his niece. This family gets torn apart by jealousy, loss of trust and violence. At the end of the play after psychological and verbal threats from Eddie to Redolpho, Marco at the end of Act one/two lifts a chair above Eddie declaring power, urgency and alarms start to go off. At the end of the play the immigration officers come in and arrest Marco and Redolfo. Tempers start to run up high as Marco swears at Eddie which sets him off. Eddie at the end attempted to kill Marco with a knife which goes by all his morals, but Marco turns Eddies weapon into his nemesis and kills him instead. Beatrice and Catherine were deeply upset about Eddies death recollecting what they lost forgetting all the trouble he’d brought upon himself. Eddie’s death was appropriate it wasn’t about why he would die more about how he would die. Although Eddie died, in a sense he became successful because he was killed on Catherine’s and Redolfo’s wedding day, so each day they would remember his death and why he died. My first key dramatic moment is when Beatrice says to Eddie ‘you want something else Eddie and you can never have her! ‘ and when she also adds, ‘the truth is not as bad as blood’ indicating that if he doesn’t acknowledge the truth their will be a bloody outcome. When Beatrice says all this its as if she had brought everything that has been hidden for so long out into the wide open. She brings up the hidden agenda that has stayed taboo to her for so long, she’s telling him that she knows that he wants something else and makes it clear she knows its Catherine by concluding ‘and Eddie you can’t have her! ‘ This is a key dramatic moment because this is when Miller lets Beatrice take control and helps the other characters understand why Eddie is doing what he is. Also because it comes as unexpected and to Catherine it would be a shock and would fill her with disgust, she had no idea what Beatrice was saying it hadn’t sunk in to her, she couldn’t believe what she was hearing. This moment delays what’s happening and it starts to focus on Eddie, Beatrice and Catherine. This horrifies the other characters around and certainly makes the audience reacts with gasp, for the characters had no idea about Eddies feelings but the audience had an idea of it but didn’t expect Beatrice to say what she did and they way she did. This caused dramatic irony because they knew something that the characters didn’t and they were witnessing the build up. This left Eddie in a state uneasiness he swiftly went into denial knowing that inside that Beatrice was speaking the truth. Miller showed us the effects when both Catherine and Eddie both exclaimed ‘B’ and diverted their attention and eyes on her. Miller created this effect cleverly because just as Eddie was going to confront Marco, Beatrice used this as a last attempt to stop Eddie’s frenzy. Miller showed us a wife telling her husband that she knows that her partner wants someone else, the biggest effect this would have is on Eddie. Also the way he showed us they horror in the raised voices. The audience and characters didn’t suspect Beatrice to confront Eddie like this, since she was torn apart by these 2 sides. Miller runs the tension higher than it already was and straight back down to the confrontation of Eddie and Marco.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Blue White Selection

Blue white selection  is a widely used method in screening recombinants in cloning. This is based on the gene product of lac z gene. The plasmid vectors contain this gene which produces  ? galactosidase  enzyme. When a gene is inserted close to  lac z gene, the reading frame will be distorted and the gene is inactivated. So the transformed cells will not produce this enzyme and are called competent cells. After the recombination, the bacterial cells are grown in a medium containing X gal (5-bromo-4-chloro-indolyl-? D-galactopyranoside) and  IPTG (Isopropyl ? -D-1-thiogalactopyranoside). IPTG acts as the inducer for lac z gene and enhance the production of ? galactosidase. When it is produced, combines with X gal to form a blue colour complex called  5,5†²-dibromo-4,4†²-dichloro-indigo  which is insoluble. The transformed colonies will appear white in colour and non- transformed cells will appear blue in colour. This method is also called as insertional inactiv ation of lac z gene. Hybridization  techniques are widely used to identify recombinants.This is based on the ability of nucleic acids hybridize with complementary DNA. The transformed cells are transferred on to a  nitrocellulose membrane  which is subjected to cell lysis. The double stranded DNA is converted to single stranded DNA and immobilized on the membrane. Then it is treated with radiolabelled  probes  complementary to target DNA. If the desired DNA is present, the probes will be hybridized which can be detected by autoradiography. Apart from these methods,  immunochemical methods  are used to detect protein products to screen recombinants.

Spheres in Scarlet Letter

It was once said that â€Å"the only living societies are those which are animated by inequality and injustice. † A man named Paul Claudel wrote this in his work, Conversations dans le Loir-et-Cher, and he criticizes the ability to have a functional society. Societies are meant to organize the values of people into a system with uniform laws and expectations; however, societies can never fully achieve this. Claudel only sees societies with dysfunctional characteristics like inequality and injustice. There are always exceptions to the social order because all people are individuals with different life experiences that help define who they are. Nathaniel Hawthorne also criticizes the Utopian ideals that societies often hold in his novel, The Scarlet Letter. The main character, Hester goes astray from the rules of her Puritan town and must wear a scarlet letter on her chest to declare her sin. The scarlet letter isolates Hester from the pressures to conform to society, giving her the opportunity to find her individualistic moral perspective in life and she shares this revelation with Dimmesdale. Hawthorne conveys this concept of individualism through the motif of spheres. Initially, Hawthorne conveys Hester’s isolation from society which is brought on by the scarlet letter, by putting her in her own sphere. The most noticeable feature of Hester as she exits the prison is the elaborate scarlet letter that is embroidered on her chest. Immediately, Hawthorne mentions that the letter â€Å"[takes Hester] out of the ordinary relations with humanity and [encloses] her in a sphere by herself† (46). The language here shows the isolation brought on by the letter because Hester no longer has the same relations with humanity, which in this case signifies the uniform Puritan society. Her interactions with others are altered now that she is by herself. The letter puts Hester in a different world, away from that of society and causes her to be alone. Even people that do not understand the reason for Hester’s isolation participate in it. The children of the town only understand that Hester is â€Å"shut out from the sphere of human charities,† but they do not know why and yet when they see â€Å"the scarlet letter on her breast, [they] scamper off with a strange contagious fear† (72). This furthers the idea that Hester is completely ostracized from society because even those that are naive of the letter’s meaning will not accept her. Hawthorne illustrates the isolation Hester experiences, as a result of wearing the scarlet letter, with the symbol of the sphere. Along with the negative aspects of isolation, Hester realizes that being in her own sphere takes away many societal pressures to conform to a set of beliefs. When Hester starts to come back in contact with society, she still feels as if she does not belong. Hester feels that all contact she has with others demonstrates that she is â€Å"as much alone as if she inhabit[s] another sphere† (74). Even though she is physically in contact with others, Hester is still alone. She no longer has to conform to the beliefs of her Puritan town because she â€Å"communicate[s] with the common nature† in different ways than â€Å"the rest of human kind† (74). Because she is isolated, Hester â€Å"[stands] apart from [society’s] moral interests, yet close beside them,† meaning she can take a step back to look at the views of the majority, but she has the option to make her own choices (74). Even though she feels separated from society, Hester can still feel the influence of its beliefs. This idea is also illustrated with the location of Hester’s cottage. The cottage is on the outskirts of the town, yet still within its limits and this parallels the influence that society has on Hester. The remoteness of the cottage â€Å"put it out of the sphere of social activity,† yet Hester still had to go into town to sustain herself with supplies. Therefore, just as the cottage keeps Hester at a distance from the town, the letter takes her away from many pressures to conform to the values of society. Hester sees that the accepted beliefs and morals of society are not the only options as a result of being isolated from the sphere of their influence, due to the scarlet letter she wears. Hester’s isolation and realization that she does not have to follow society, give her a new perspective on the beliefs of individuals and she shares this with Dimmesdale. Hawthorne conveys this through their temporary coexistence in the same sphere. Through her isolation, Hester realizes that individuals can have their own belief systems away from those of society and uses this to find peace with her sin. Dimmesdale however, never experiences public shame or isolation and struggles to find peace with his sin. He does not see leaving the town as an option like Hester does because he feels that â€Å"Providence hath placed† him in a specific â€Å"sphere† where he needs to live out his â€Å"earthly existence† and he has no choice in the matter (180). Dimmesdale does not see that there are other options besides those of society, but Hester exposes him to this idea. While they are in the forest together, she gives him a new perspective to consider; that the ways of society do not always work for everyone. At the time when both Hester and Dimmesdale can see things from this perspective, â€Å"they [feel] themselves, [†¦] inhabitants of the same sphere† (173). They are in the sphere together because even though they may not possess the same moral values in the end, at this time they both understand that they have options apart from societal beliefs. Even though they both have the same perspective they have to pursue their separate spheres in distinct ways. As Dimmesdale walks home â€Å"his inner man [gives] him [†¦] evidences of a revolution in the sphere of thought and feeling,† indicating the changes already taking place from what Hester instilled in him (198). The revolution in Dimmesdale’s thoughts and feelings takes place because Hester enlightens him to the idea of individual belief systems. He sees things in a whole new way with many more possibilities now that he can choose for himself what he wants to believe. He clearly undergoes a â€Å"total change of dynasty and moral code† due to the ideas Hester exposes to him in the forest. Both Hester and Dimmesdale see new possibilities in individual beliefs due to Hester’s isolation and realization that society’s beliefs are not perfect. Although both Hester and Dimmesdale learn that individuals can have their own belief systems through Hester’s isolation and relief from the pressures of society, they must ultimately find their own individual spheres. After being exposed to a new perspective by Hester, Dimmesdale has time to think and realizes that he is not the same as her. Dimmesdale knows that they can not reside in the same sphere and Hester, too, realizes this at the procession. As Dimmesdale walks by, Hester understands that he is â€Å"remote from her own sphere, and utterly beyond her reach† (218). Hester hoped that her influence over Dimmesdale when she enlightened him would continue on in his decisions and they would reside in a sphere together, but this was not the case. Just as Hester needed to find her place apart from the influence of others, Dimmesdale did as well. In order to find peace, Dimmesdale needed to find his own moral code and sphere and when he did, he reached â€Å"an epoch of life more brilliant and full of triumph than any previous one, or than any which could hereafter be† (227). This great success that comes from finding his own sphere shows how strongly Hawthorne believes in the individual and the pathway to get to individualism. Dimmesdale can not be any more at peace with his life than he is when he discovers his individualized moral system. Hawthorne also shows his support for individualism when he breaks the forth wall and speaks directly to the reader. He says the only thing to be learned from the minister’s experience is to â€Å"be true! Be true! Be true! Show freely to the world if not your worst, yet some trait whereby your worst may be inferred† (236). With this, Hawthorne wants people to find peace within themselves and says they need to expose themselves fully to the world to do so. In the novel, Hester experiences public shame and shows it freely to the world whereas Dimmesdale keeps his sin hidden. That is why Hester is able to be at a better peace with herself and her sin whereas Dimmesdale’s fate is to only be peaceful in death. There can be no set sphere for all of society because of different life experiences. Hester and Dimmesdale both find separate, individualized belief systems, apart from those of society, due to the public shame and isolation Hester experiences wearing the scarlet letter. Hawthorne uses the motif of spheres to convey the message that society can not meet the needs of all individuals. The spheres in the novel never function properly when they attempt to envelop the moral perspectives of more than one person. Society tries to only have one uniform set of beliefs for all, but this is unsuccessful because everyone has their own thoughts and feelings based upon experience. Just as Claudel said, the only way societies can exist is with flaws; Utopian and Puritan ideals are unattainable. Hawthorne values individualism and the differences between all people.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Movie (Inception)Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Movie (Inception)Analysis - Essay Example The major themes of the movie are freedom and learning about and embracing the truth. There are only a few humans in the world that are free from the Matrix; these are the ones that are aware of the truth of the real world and the Matrix and have chosen to accept these truths. Furthermore, another aspect of freedom involves the fight that Neo and his crew face when it comes to the agents of the Matrix, which are the programs that ensure that everything is running smoothly within this cyberworld. This also leads into part of the central conflicts of the film. There are two central conflicts in the film: Neo versus Agent Smith, and the humans versus the machines. Agent Smith, who is about as free from the Matrix as the sleeping humans are, is against the fact that Neo understands the truth about the Matrix. Smith does not like the enemy he has found in Neo. The humans versus the machines is the original conflict, something that began before the start of the movie. The purpose of this fight is to make sure that as few humans as possible know about the Matrix setup. As it is, the humans that do know is too many for comfort to the machines. The freed humans, however, feel that it is their duty to make aware as many sleeping humans that they can. Unfortunately, part of this battle involves keeping away from the curious machines as much as possible - an impossible feat. These tensions are not resolved. By the end of the film, the two separate battles are still raging. Neo does temporarily defeat Agent Smith, but the other agents are ready to take on the task of bringing down the free humans. The war between humans and machines continue on. One of the main things that kept coming up throughout the film is the obvious differences between the real world and the Matrix; the physical reality and the computerized mockery of life. Furthermore, there are many religious,

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Students need to produce an industry report, (BMW) highlighting their Essay

Students need to produce an industry report, (BMW) highlighting their research on the industry, the main players, their understanding of trends and their suitability - Essay Example activity vehicles; and innovative features such as, dynamic stability control or the integrated driving system introduced by BMW, known as the I-Drive (Fleischmann, Ferber and Henrich, 2006). The growing demands of customers for individual configuration specifically in premium cars have made automobile companies like, BMW, to come up with creative ideas so as to stand apart in this fierce competition and gain significant competitive advantage. Alongside the classical markets in North America, Europe and Japan, newer markets such as, China and the Eastern Europe, are also emerging. The product life cycle in emerging markets are supposed to be dissimilar from the one that is witnessed in already developed markets. This provides big opportunities for companies like, BMW, to sell models, which have been discontinued in the established markets, in these relatively newer markets. BMW has been implementing effective strategies in order to set up their production sites throughout the globe for bringing their production closer to markets and thus, satisfy growing needs and demands of the customer base. This has enabled them to accrue benefits by attaining country specific advantages. Example of such advantages attained by the company include incentives for investments and accessibility to cheap labour that they have obtained by gaining entry into emerging markets such as, India and China (Fleischmann, Ferber and Henrich, 2006). This study involves a thorough analysis of BMW’s strategic management. The following sections will discuss BMW’s strategic planning aspects and their business model will be subsequently explained. Thereafter, the company’s understanding of current trend in the industry will be explained. The report will also include Porter’s five forces analysis of the automobile manufacturer and lastly, a recommendation will be provided. The BMW Group headquartered in Munich, Germany, is primarily engaged in the manufacturing and sales of BMW, Rolls Royce

Monday, October 7, 2019

Shakespeare in the Bush Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Shakespeare in the Bush - Essay Example The tribal head, in the end, points out that the story has some loopholes and advises her that they should get guidance from them or their own elders to make the story of Hamlet more meaningful. Laura, a professor of anthropology is living among the people an Africa tribe for some research project. The people there remained busy in their ceremonies while the writer spent time in reading Hamlet. The writer used to go to their huts and drank beer with them and talked to them. Once the old man of the tribe showed curiosity in the â€Å" papers† read by the writer and asked them to tell the story she was reading. The writer told them the story of the Hamlet and during the rendition of the story it dawned upon Laura that it was difficult to communicate some concepts to these tribesmen as the concepts of â€Å" King† and â€Å" ghost† were alien to them and they were satisfied instead with the their own terms like â€Å" chief† and â€Å" witch† to interpret these concepts. Although the writer knew that the use of these words may change the connotations of the story but she had no other way. Furthermore, Hamlet’s reaction at the remarriag e of his mother was strange to them as in their culture it was a common practice and they saw no wickedness in Claudius’ acceding to throne and marrying Gertrude. Old man also thought that Ophelia must have killed by Laertes as a result of some witchcraft and they were also surprised at the fact that Polonius did not reveal his identity while hiding behind the arras. The Old man without embarrassing the writer makes her realize that there were certain flaws in the story and she should take the advice of the elders of her community to access to the true meaning of the story. Thus in the end the writer comes to know that the idea of universality of literature is somewhat baseless as every culture has its own ways of interpretation of stories and there could be more than one meaning to a story like

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Project management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

Project management - Essay Example That is the task of advertising. In order to expand sales and gain profit companies have use advertisement through various means of communication. This economic activity helps to spread the message across the target market for goods or services of the business. At the same time, though advertising can be said to be an element of public relations activities, advertising itself does not always mean public relations. The two concepts, though have much in common, contain many differences as well. Public Relations work for the improvement of company’s image, building public awareness about the company and its activities, as well as effective promotion of certain offers of the company or outstanding features of a product or service. So, public relations refers to â€Å"strategic communication that different types of organizations use for establishing and maintaining symbiotic relationships with relevant publics† (Sriramesh, 2009, p. xxxi). As for advertising, it is currently defined as a communication tool â€Å"directed towards specific target customers in order to carry the message regarding a particular product, service or ideas, meaningfully and persuasively with a view to achieve certain specific objectives such as, to establish brand loyalty, expansion of the existing markets, increased sales volume, etc.† (Kumar & Mittal, 2002, p. 2). ... The country has been admitted to the World Trade Organization (Walters & Samiee, 2003) and, therefore, became an attractive market for many multinational corporations. While the effect of media is suspect of influencing the relationships of different individuals, the targeting of commercial advertising and PR activities toward consumers and strategies employed in order to reach Chinese audience is the primary focus in this study. The fact that media outlets became so widespread in Chinese society serves as the impetus for studying in a more narrow scope the relationship between commercial advertising and PR, and the viewer/consumer in media commercial programming. In addition, the given work aims at analyzing techniques and strategies of advertising agencies used to influence Chinese consumers. Research questions Though Chinese market can be considered relatively new for western companies, it does not experience any lack of attention and is already flooded with foreign companies and, as a result, advertising and PR. However, thought the market is attractive, it has certain peculiarities and unique characteristics that should be considered by entering businesses when trying to become popular in China. Therefore, the given research is trying to clarify the following aspects of public relations and advertising in China: How in particular and to what extent public relations in China differs from advertising and what particular signs make a difference between the two communication activities in the Chinese market. What major communication means, tools and techniques Chinese and multinational companies use in China to effectively deliver the message to the target audience and how effective particular strategies and techniques are.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Managing Buiness Organization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Managing Buiness Organization - Essay Example For instance, professionals are gaining more say in the running of organizations. Even where governance is by people who own the majority stakes, their own positions and the respect, they command are contingent upon their competence rather than ownership (Ahuja, 2005 880). "Management is the art of getting things done through other people. Management is the dynamic, life-giving element in every business. Without it the resources of production remain resources and never become production." (Sharma, 2004 11) This definition emphasizes that the managers achieve organizational objectives getting things done through the employees. Human resource Management is very essential for successful running of an enterprise. It ensures proper use of physical and human resources by deriving the best results. It leads to efficient performance and higher productivity. Human Resource Management is very essential for every organization to make productive use of human physical and financial resources or the achievement of the organizational goals. It helps in determination of objectives. No organization can succeed in tits mission unless its objectives an identified and well denied. Management helps in achieving these objectives by the efficient use of resources. In management, the term 'manager' means overseeing the subordinates at work by their superiors. It is the function of leading, co-coordinating and directing the work of others to accomplish designated objectives. It refers to the direct and immediate guidance and control of subordinates in the performance of their task (Sharma, 204, p.110). Role of manager in an Organization from the Onset of the Industrial Revolution The role of a manager in an organization has been shown below: Fig. Role of manager (Sharma, 204, p.111) (a) As Mediator- Manager acts as a mediator between higher-level management and the workers. (b) As Medium of Communication - manager acts as a medium of communication between higher-level managers and workers. He explains management policies to the workers and conveys the workers' attitudes, opinions, grievances and problems to higher-level management (Silbiger, p.103). In other words, he communicates (i) To the workers what the management expects from them and (ii) To the management what the workers want. Thus, manager bridges the gap between the expectations of management and demands of operatives and workers. (c) As Convertor - Manager acts as a convertor in the sense that he occupies such a key position which turns plans and policies into actual results through the efforts of workers. (d) As Inspirer - manager acts as an inspirer in the sense that he inspires workers to cooperate and contribute to the best of their capability for the achievement of organizational objectives. (e) As Leader - Manager acts as a leader in the sense that he influences the workers to work with team spirit for the achievement of organizational objectives. He also provides a cohesive force, which holds the group intact and develops a spirit of cooperation and discipline among the employees. (f) As Guide and Friend - Manager acts as a guide and friend in the sense that he educates and trains the workers, creates friendly environment and solves the disputes of the workers. In this way, he ensures team spirit, co-operation and discipline amongst the members (Sharma, 2004, p.115) Thus, the Manager is expected to secure not only the efficiency of operations but also the team spirit, co-o